Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Be a Ghost !

My friend's friend find me be her model , and the title was GHOST.  and i tough it was something like Ju Onn , but she show me the below picture...

very scary ....

I know this kind of model ,nobody would like to be , so the makeup artist will very hard to find model to answer 'Yes ' too... 
Since i enjoy to be a model and i never try this makeup before, so i accepted this job to help the makeup artist.

Location was set at Bukit Tunku in a abandoned banglo.
Time : 8am~4pm

After i told my hubby gonna go photo shooting at Bukit Tunku, and he told me that was a haunted place. But i still keep going , cos i'm already accepted the job, and during this period , i not scare at that thing , rather than ghost, i more scare human... hehe

so makeup start...

this is me

finish ~!

Below is done photo by photographer , total have 4 photographer + makeup artist + 2 model.

 hehe ^^ i'm suit to act ghost ^^

 i like this ^^ like movie poster ^o^

We manage to finish all of this before 4pm to avoid anything weird spooky things kacau ^^ at the end ,everything goes smoothly ^^
 Ghost Shoot Crews !

Btw, Bukit Tunku is Malaysia top 5 haunted place , u can simply google it and search the haunted story, but i don't know real or not ... "Believes it or not ?"....

Click me please...

A warm welcome to visit our place here :)